Collection: Forestry

Forestry is the science, art and practice of managing and cultivating forests and forest areas with the aim of preserving, conserving and improving the quality of forest resources. Forestry involves a wide range of activities, such as planting, caring for, and felling trees, preventing and controlling pests and diseases, protecting soil and water, conserving biodiversity, and producing wood products. and non-timber.

What minerals are used in Forestry

In forestry, various minerals and mineral compounds can be used, mainly in connection with fertilization and soil improvement, to ensure healthy tree growth and maintain forest productivity. Some of the common minerals and compounds used in forestry include:

  1. Calcium (Ca): Calcium is essential for plant growth and development, as it plays a role in the formation and stability of cell walls, cell communication, and nutrient uptake.

  2. Magnesium (Mg): Magnesium is a vital component of chlorophyll, which is responsible for photosynthesis in plants. It also plays a role in enzyme activation and nutrient absorption.

  3. Potassium (K): Potassium is essential for cellular functions such as protein synthesis, stomata opening and closing, and the translocation of sugars and nutrients in plants.

  4. Phosphorus (P): Phosphorus is an essential component of nucleic acids and energy molecules (ATP), and is necessary for root development and plant reproduction.

  5. Sulfur (S): Sulfur is a key component of proteins and is necessary for chlorophyll formation and stress resistance in plants.

  6. Micronutrients such as iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), boron (B) and molybdenum (Mo): These elements are required in very small amounts, but are essential for growth and plant development.

Foresters can apply these minerals and mineral compounds in the form of fertilizers or soil amendments to improve soil quality and ensure trees have access to the nutrients needed for optimal growth. It is important to note that the excessive use of mineral fertilizers can have negative effects on the environment, such as water pollution and soil acidification. Therefore, the application of minerals in forestry must be carried out responsibly and based on the specific needs of the forest ecosystem.