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Collection: Pumice
Pumice is a light, porous volcanic mineral that forms when solidified lava cools rapidly and traps gas bubbles within. Due to its porous structure, it is extremely light and floats on water.
Pumice has a wide variety of uses and applications. Here are some of the most common:
Exfoliant: Pumice stone is widely used as a natural exfoliator to soften and clean dead skin. It is used in soaps, creams, and personal care products to remove rough, dry skin, especially on the feet and hands.
Cleaning: Pumice is also used for cleaning in homes and commercial establishments. It is used to remove stains and dirt from hard surfaces such as toilets, sinks, bathtubs, and barbecue grills.
Horticulture: Pumice is used in horticulture to improve water retention and aeration of the soil. It is mixed with soil and other materials to create a light, porous growing medium that helps prevent excess moisture in plants.
Construction: Pumice is also used in construction as a lightweight aggregate in concrete. It is mixed with cement and other materials to create a building material that is lighter and more insulating than conventional concrete.
Filtration: Pumice stone is used in water filtration to remove impurities and contaminants. The porous structure of pumice stone allows water to flow through it while retaining contaminants.
In short, pumice is a versatile mineral used in a wide variety of applications, from personal care to construction to water filtration.
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