La-Germinación-de-Semillas-Un-Viaje-desde-la-Siembra-hasta-el-Brote Mineravi

Seed germination: a trip from planting to the outbreak

Seed germination: a trip from planting to the outbreak

Germination is the vital process by which a seed develops in a new plant. This fascinating trip begins with planting and crosses several stages, being influenced by multiple external factors.

Processes and stages

  1. IMBIBITION: The seed absorbs water, which activates its internal enzymes.
  2. Metabolism activation: Increase breathing and the cell division begins.
  3. Radicle emergency: The first root breaks the seed cover, looking for anchor and nutrients in the soil.
  4. Hypocotyl development: It rises on the ground surface, carrying the first true leaves.

Factors that affect germination

  • Temperature: Each species has an optimal range to germinate.
  • Humidity: Essential for seed activation, but excess can cause rot.
  • Light: Some seeds require light to germinate, while others prefer darkness.
  • Oxygen: Necessary for cellular breathing during germination.

Tips to improve germination

  1. Choose quality seeds: Ensures a good start.
  2. Prepare the soil: It must be fertile and have good drainage.
  3. Control temperature and humidity: Maintain optimal conditions according to the species.
  4. Previous soaking: Some seeds benefit from being soaked before sowing to accelerate the imbibition.

By understanding and respecting these principles, gardening enthusiasts can significantly improve the success rates of germination, enjoying the growth of healthy and robust plants. This knowledge is essential for any fan or professional dedicated to horticulture, providing the basis for a successful harvest and the enjoyment of the natural beauty offered by the plant world.

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