Qué-son-los-Vinos-Volcanicos Mineravi

What are volcanic wines

Volcanic wines have become an increasingly appreciated category by connoisseurs and wine lovers. These wines occur in regions where the soil is of volcanic origin. The unique composition of these soils, rich in minerals and often with a good amount of heat drainage and retention, can significantly influence the characteristics of the wine. Here are some key points on volcanic wines:

  1. Volcanic terroir:

    • The concept of "terroir" in viticulture refers to how the geography, geology and climate of a region affect the taste of wine. Volcanic soils, loaded with minerals and nutrients due to past eruptions, are a distinctive component of this terroir.
  2. Unique flavor profile:

    • Many volcanic wines are praised by their minerality, a quality that is described as an almost rocky or saline sensation in the palate. They can also present a pronounced acidity and complexity of flavors that reflect the mineral diversity of the soil.
  3. UVA varieties:

    • While any type of grapes can be cultivated in volcanic soils, some varieties seem to express particularly the characteristics of these terroirs. In Italy, for example, the Mascalese Nerello and the Carricante in Sicily, or the Garganega in the Veneto, are varieties that have adapted well to these soils.
  4. Challenges and advantages:

    • The cultivation of vineyards in volcanic soils is not exempt from challenges, such as the difficulty of working on stony land and the inherent risk of volcanic activity. However, these soils can be less prone to soil diseases and may require less chemical treatments, which is beneficial for sustainable wine practices.
  5. Notable regions:

    • Some of the most famous regions for its volcanic wines include the island of Santorini in Greece, with its volcanic ash soil; The French viticultural region of Auvernia and its volcanic basaltic soils; the Soave region in Italy, with its basalt floor; and the Canary Islands in Spain, with soils rich in pyroxen and olivine.
  6. Market appreciation:

    • Volcanic wines have won a cult track between sommeliers and wine enthusiasts looking for unique and distinctive flavor profiles. Their singularity and history that they tell about their place of origin make them especially attractive.
  7. Sustainability:

    • Many volcanic wine producers adopt sustainable and organic agriculture practices, partly because volcanic soils can facilitate a more natural and less interventionist approach in the vineyard.

In conclusion, volcanic wines are valued by their authentic expression of volcanic terroir, offering flavors and aromas that are difficult to replicate in other geological conditions.

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