Vermichar Biochar enmienda agricola fabricante

Vermichar and Biochar: Sustainable innovations for soil improvement

In the search for sustainable and efficient agricultural practices, vermichar and biochar have emerged as innovative solutions for soil improvement. These products not only improve soil quality and fertility, but also contribute significantly to climate change mitigation. In this article, we will explore what vermichar and biochar are, how their benefits and applications in agriculture and the environment are produced.

What is vermichar?

Definition and production

Vermichar is an organic product resulting from the combination of vermicompost and biochar. Each of these components provides unique beneficial properties:

  • Vermicompost: It is an organic fertilizer produced by worms that break down organic matter. This process results in a product rich in essential nutrients and beneficial microorganisms.
  • Biochar: It is a type of vegetable coal from biomass by means of a process called pyrolysis, which implies the thermal decomposition of organic matter in the absence of oxygen.

Vermichar benefits

  1. Land quality improvement:

    • Fertility: The vermicompost enriches the soil with essential nutrients and beneficial microorganisms.
    • Structure: Biochar improves soil structure, facilitating roots growth and improving aeration.
  2. Water and nutrient retention:

    • Humidity: Vermichar increases soil capacity to retain water, reducing the need for frequent irrigation.
    • Nutrients: It acts as a sponge, retaining nutrients and gradually releasing them for plants.
  3. CO2 emissions reduction:

    • Carbon sink: Biochar is considered an effective method to capture and store carbon in the soil.
  4. Improvement of microbial activity:

    • Beneficial microorganisms: The presence of vermicompost promotes a healthy population of microorganisms in the soil.

Vermichar applications

  • Agriculture: It improves fertility and soil structure in agricultural crops.
  • Gardening: Ideal for gardeners looking for an effective organic amendment.
  • Soil rehabilitation: Useful in the recovery of degraded or contaminated soils.

What is the biochar?

Definition and production

Biochar is a form of coal produced from biomass through pyrolysis. This process transforms biomass into a carbonized material that retains a large part of the original carbon.

Biochar benefits

  1. Soil improvement:

    • Fertility: Increase nutrient availability.
    • Water retention: Its porous structure allows a better water retention.
    • Structure: Improves aeration and soil structure.
  2. Climate change mitigation:

    • Carbon sink: Biochar can storing carbon stable for hundreds or thousands of years.
  3. Microbial activity:

    • Beneficial microorganisms: It provides a favorable habitat for soil microorganisms.
  4. Reduction of pollutants:

    • Adsorption: It can adsorb heavy metals and other pollutants.

Biochar applications

  • Agriculture and horticulture: Used as amendment of the soil to improve fertility and structure.
  • Environmental Remediation: Adsorbe pollutants and improve soil quality.
  • Carbon capture: It contributes to the reduction of atmospheric CO2.
  • Waste management: Convert organic waste into a useful product.

How to use vermichar and biochar


  1. Soil preparation:

    • Mix the vermichar with the ground before planting in a proportion of 5-10%.
  2. Superficial application:

    • Spread a vermichar layer on the existing floor and then incorporate it slightly.
  3. Composting:

    • Add vermichar to compost to improve your quality.


  1. Direct incorporation:

    • Mix the biochar with the ground before planting in a proportion of 5-10%.
  2. Composting:

    • Add biochar to compost to improve the quality of the final compost.
  3. Superficial application:

    • Spread a layer of biochar on the existing floor and then incorporate it slightly.

Both vermichar and biochar represent significant innovations for soil improvement and agricultural sustainability. Its benefits range from the improvement of fertility and soil structure to the mitigation of climate change through carbon kidnapping. By incorporating these amendments into agricultural and gardening practices, farmers and gardeners can promote soil health, increase crop productivity and contribute to environmental sustainability.

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