Construyendo-un-Campo-Deportivo-de-Césped-Guía-Paso-a-Paso Mineravi

Building a grass sports field: step by step guide

Creating a grass sports field is an exciting project that requires planning and knowledge. Here we guide you at each stage of the process, from the preparation of the soil to the maintenance of the grass.


  1. Land preparation:

    • Start cleaning the area of ​​debris and leveling the terrain.
    • Apply a layer of 4-8 mm gravel approximately 10 cm thick for drainage.
    • Function: Facilitates drainage
  2. Jabre layer:

    • On the gravel, add a layer of jabre about 10 cm thick. Compact this layer to create a solid base.
    • Function: Acts as a transition layer between gravel and upper substrate, further improving drainage.
  3. Substrate application:

    • Above the jabre, distributes a layer of substrate for mineravi lawn about 15-20 cm. 
  4. Substrate compaction:

    • Once the caps of gravel, soap and substrate are arranged, it is essential to slightly compact the upper substrate. This can be done with a garden roller or a similar machinery. Compaction must be uniform but not excessive to avoid the formation of hard areas that prevent root growth.
  5. Seed planting:

    • Select high quality grass seeds, suitable for sports fields. There are specific varieties to resist wear and maintain a healthy appearance.
    • Spread the seeds uniformly on the substrate and cover slightly with a fine layer of the same substrate.
  6. Irrigation:

    • Water immediately after planting to moisten the seeds. During the first weeks, keep the ground constantly wet but not flooded.
    • Water the grass freshly sown regularly to maintain moisture. During the first weeks, prevents the ground from drying out.
    • Reduce the irrigation frequency as the grass sets.
  7. Maintenance:

    • Irrigation:

      • First weeks: Daily irrigation to maintain moisture. Avoid waterlogging.
      • First months: Gradually reduce the irrigation frequency as the grass sets.
      • Established period: Irrigation as necessary, depending on the weather and soil moisture.
    • Lawn cut:

      • First cut: Perform when the grass reaches a height of about 5-8 cm. Cut only one third of the height to avoid grass stress.
      • Second cut and later: Maintain a regular cutting height of 3-5 cm for sports céspedes.
    • Use of the field:

      • Start of games: It is advisable to wait at least 2 months before starting playing in the field. This allows the roots of the grass to be established firmly and that the terrain is properly compacted.

Conclusion: Creating a grass sports field requires effort and dedication. With adequate techniques and regular care, your field will be an optimal game space for sports and recreational activities. For high demand or professionals, it is always advisable to have expert advice.

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