Diferencia-entre-Sustrato-ecológico-y-Fertilizante-ecológico Mineravi

Difference between Ecological Sustreatment and Ecological Fertilizer

An ecological substrate and an ecological fertilizer have distinct functions in gardening and agriculture, although both are designed to be environmentally friendly and do not contain synthetic chemical ingredients. Their main differences are described below:

  1. Nature and function:

    • Organic substrate: It is a mixture of organic and inorganic materials that serves to provide a medium where plants can take root and grow. Its main function is to provide a physical support for the plants and ensure good drainage, aeration and moisture retention.
    • Organic fertilizer: It is a product that contains essential nutrients for plants, derived from natural sources. Its main function is to provide plants with the elements they need for their growth and optimal development.
  2. Composition:

    • Organic substrate: You can include compost, peat, coconut fiber, perlite, vermiculite, sand, among other ingredients. These components seek to balance the texture, porosity and water retention capacity.
    • Organic fertilizer: It is made from natural materials, such as manure, bone meal, guano, seaweed, among others. These materials provide essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as well as micronutrients.
  3. Use:

    • Organic substrate: It is mainly used when planting or transplanting a plant. It is placed in pots, gardeners or directly on the ground to provide a suitable culture medium.
    • Organic fertilizer: It is added to the substrate or soil to supplement the nutrition of the plants. It can be applied at different stages of plant development, depending on the nutritional needs of the plant.
  4. Ecological impact:

    • Both the substrate and the organic fertilizer are designed to have a low environmental impact. By being composed of natural ingredients, they do not degrade the ecosystem and promote soil biodiversity. In addition, they do not contain harmful chemicals that can accumulate in soil or groundwater.
  5. Benefits for plants:

    • Organic substrate: Provides a balanced medium for root growth, allowing good aeration and drainage.
    • Organic fertilizer: It provides essential nutrients for the development of plants, promoting healthy and vigorous growth.

In short, while the ecological substrate serves as a basis for the plants to grow, the organic fertilizer complements and enriches the substrate with essential nutrients. Both are fundamental to ensure the good development and health of plants in an organic farming system.

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